The videos play by clicking the pictures.

Instrumentale previews above, examples with singing below.

This traditional French tune is a Christmas Song. It is rather well-known. We love it very much.

Marja de Jong wrote all music to the tune, for voices, small organ, small lute and drum.

This is the instrumental version, but we will sing this song in French.

They sang this traditional French tune while crushing grapes by foot in stead of a press.

Marja de Jong wrote all music to the tune, for voices, stick played psalter, ankle bells, and drum.
This is the instrumental version, but we will sing the song in the Universal Language: lalalalala.

You can view grape-stomping here.

This traditional French tune is from 1530 (Pierre Attaingant). Tourdion is a vivid dance with pied en l'air followed by petit saut.

Marja de Jong wrote lyrics and all music to the tune, for voices, flûte à bec, zither, small organ, psalter, ankle bells, and drum.
This is the instrumental version, but we will sing the song in French.

You can view the dance here.

This traditional French tune is from 1598 (Thoinot Arbeau): Bransle des Chevaux (horse dance).

Marja de Jong wrote lyrics and all music to the tune, for voices, flûte à bec, harp, small organ, psalter, ankle bells, and drum.
This is the instrumental version, but we will sing the song in Dutch.

You can view the dance here.

This traditional French tune is from ca. 1230 (part of Ludus Daniëlis, a medieval opera). The music is monophonic: each voice has the same rhythm.

Marja de Jong wrote lyrics and all music to the tune, for voices, organetto, lute, bells, and drum.
This is the instrumental version, but we will sing the song in Dutch.

You can hear the whole play here.

Song van Kiez'n is based on a Breton tune. Marja de Jong wrote music to it, and listened to the Breton sounds. So she wrote similar sounding Dutch-a-like words, stating a new language which she calls 'Bretonnéerlandais'.

For voci, flûte à bec, harp, citera, bells, and drum. The Dutch folks know this tune from The Bots. We will sing this song, as explained above, in Bretonnéerlandais.

You can listen to The Bots here.

Mirie it is (Merry it is while summer lasts and birds sing. Then wind blows, sorrow starts, and mourning.) is a Middle English Tune from ca. 1225.

Marja de Jong wrote French lyrics and all music to the tune, for voci, flûte à bec, harp, citera, organetto, mini-lute, and drum. This is the instrumental version, but we will sing the song in French (It's good and healthy while nature is green).

You can hear the Middle English here.

Binnenkort meer video's van onze eigen muziek.

Mediæval Færies, just an impression of music we might choose to perform.

Al hebben we ons eigen repertoire, onze inspiratie komt onder meer vanuit deze muziek...

© mediæval færies 2020

Marja de Jong


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